Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Grand Rivers, KY to Alton, IL

    We took off early, shot through the lock and were off with a big head of steam... well really just the push of the curent down the Cumberland. I actually slowed off of cruising rpm's to keep us just a tick under 10mph. The Starlink does not like to be moving above 10, or well lets say Starlink, the company doesn't like it... they want you to pay $100 more per month for an in-motion plan.Still had plenty of push headed down the Ohio River... however when we made the big turn to starboard at Cairo, IL... we hit a brick wall. 3 mph speed over ground... UGH!!! Anchored right there above the bridge behind Angelo Towhead. Lots of debris!


    Next morning we started at first light, only to make about 50 miles shortly before dark at Little Diversion Canal anchorage. It's great, off the main river, out of the current and traffic. Ended up sharing the anchorage with "Couples Therapy" a vessel headed for Lake Michigan. Taught them how to anchor to vessels, rafted together to avoid anyone needing a stern anchor.


    We split the 70 miles to Kaskaskia Lock in 2 days, since we didn't stand a chance of making it in 1. Had Date night on the hook, Steak and Lobster, with a nice bottle of wine!

    The second leg to Kaskaskia River lock wall was met with storms coming in again. Tornado warnings all around. But tied up to a big concrete wall, and a concrete dam around us made for the safest place to be.

    Nest it was on to Hoppies... a long day ant nearly 50 miles... Pushing hard to make 4mph and dodging debris, makes for not the most fun cruising. Tieing up to get fuel and stop for the night was certainly a challenge in this current. The towboat wakes are not insignificant here either.

    One more day, through downtown St Louis, past the Gateway Arch, through 2 locks... and settled in for our home for a month! More about what we did while here next week!

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